Pandemic (Covid-19) was globally responsible for work stations migrating to your
homes overnight. Yes, we were not prepared mentally nor had the band width of space and equipment to operate from home. Almost a year down of working from home; this new norm is no more a new norm. Welcome to the #remoteworker #tribe.
Hind side of working from home is the ambience of your work station and the surrounding especially if you are already struggling with space limitations.
How about bringing in few changes and buying few items to razzle-dazzle your new work arena?
5 Cues to devise functional & striking Work Stations in home.
1. Cozy Corners: First & foremost identify best corners in your home, these can be by window side, facing balconies or nicely done up wall. One thing to be kept in mind is avoid rooms that have closer access to your entry after all you don’t want to keep answering the doorbell in middle of your zoom calls.
Space Ideas
- By the window side: The biggest advantage of such space is the light throw and the road drama that makes you believe you are outdoors and cool breeze when available. Light is an integral part of this space, so we recommend dark and formal colors like grey and black desks to enhance the corner.
- By the Balcony Sides: This is my personal favorite especially if you have a luxury of owning a big balcony. No worries if it is a small one too. Before we talk about the look of the work station it’s important to understand that this space inspirations comes from the balcony itself- so we must consider revamping the balcony first. Deck it up with artificial grass to bring nature in homes; you may use hanging pots with evergreen plants to make the space look like a mini garden. Use hanging tin pots or ceramic pots if you have space to keep. Say no to plastics. Fairy Lights falling from the ceiling will add warmth and comfortable look to the space. Great alternative to stress busters breaks in comfort of your own mini garden. Smaller Balconies can be used as a stockpile of greens to give that soothing appeal.
- Facing the Wall: This corner is the most tricky and tough to jazz up. With no access to natural light or nature; it becomes rather monotonous to sit and work for hours. Let’s look at how we can make the wall interesting enough to knock off the boredom factor. The wall facing you can be bedecked by either placing a painting or multipurpose pin board or my all-time favorite motivational frames (quotes), wall shelves with interesting miniatures or last but not the least wall art pieces. Take a pick that suits your personality or your profession.
2. Designing Cozy Corners: Now let’s see how can be we add glam look to the above spaces. Professional demands may differ but few things that are common and multipurpose to most are
- Pin up board wall/Paintings/Wall art/Wall shelves
- Working Desk
- Table Top accessories
- Neighboring arena decor
It’s important not to crowd the work space so be minimalistic and keep whatever is necessary.
3. Refreshments: One of the alluring factors of going to office are the step out coffee breaks. So, here’s to ever lasting coffee breaks, invest in a modest coffee machine and electric kettle for your instant coffee and tea breaks. Desks that offer side shelves are a best fit to keep these handy. Let me assure you there is enough to spoilt you for a choice.
4. Must Have Gadgets: Since you will be working from home for a long period; investment in must have gadgets like comfortable Headphones with speaker, Home 3 in One Printers (Photocopy, scanner & printer) and Internet booster will set your home office up.
5. Fitness Tips: Sitting long hours can be tiresome to your mind as well as body. It’s important that if your work requires long hours of sitting you may consider a small investment on ergonomic chair or standing desk converter. Well don’t forget to indulge in 3-minute seated yoga to stretch your body and keep fit.
Check out our selections to create any of the above looks. Just Click & shop. And don’t forget to share your images and feedback on what worked for you. The most voted look shall be featured on our social media pages.