This Women’s day, take a solo trip to unwind your senses from the role you play 24 x7, 365 days a year.
Being a Woman is not easy, always known to stretch themselves beyond levels. While donning various hats of a mother, daughter, wife, and sister, it’s also necessary that once in a while we just for once blow that mind away and indulge in something to woo our souls.
It’s a good therapy to fall in love with you. One of the most important fact and the least remembered one.
While the whole world decides to make you happy this ‘Women’s Day’; How about devoting this year to simply loving yourself more?
And what better than a Women’s Day to start with?

# 1. Ultimate Freedom: Family vacations are more stressful than relaxing as you’re always on toes even though on a holiday. Travelling solo means that you are all by yourself. You don’t have to follow a set itinerary or stick to plan. No one is going to tell you what to do, you can explore and indulge in what you wish to do. Walk the beach when you want to, sit for hours to watch the sunset, enjoy solitude in Jungles or sit in peace in a chapel. It’s the sheer joy of ultimate freedom.
# 2. Choice of Destination: Solo Sojourns offer independence to select the destination of your choice. It’s’ not bounded by children’s preferences or husband’s concept of adventures.

#3. Unlimited Shopping Time: One of the most important factors, women find least time for. For once you get space & freedom to venture into places of your choice, select, try, go around and come back again to bargain and get the most valuable deal.
#4. Striking Experiences: When you travel alone, there are fewer distractions allowing you to explore nature and environment more explicitly than on family vacations. End result is that one notices beauty of sunshine’s, colors of rainbow, and music of waterfalls. The experiences are overwhelming and the journey becomes memorable.
#5. Self Confidence: With safety a prime concern for women now days, travelling solo teaches you the art of managing your safety and boosting your self-confidence to a different level. Assessing risks and deriving options to waive off those risks is indeed is a rewarding feeling. At the same time, it gives immense gratification to explore one’s strength and hidden capabilities.

#6. Discover “Who you are”? We often live in a shell, not that it’s something we should feel bad about. But I suggest you should often explore life outside this shell to know more about your weaknesses and strengths. Most often, women tend to carve themselves under the shadow of their families, the roles that they play unknowingly changes their personalities & traits and they start living and enjoying life that is structured for them. That’s where the essence of individuality is lost. Travelling solo helps in exploring your inner self, your passion and most importantly “Who you are”.
#7. Home can be anywhere: Often solo travels opens up a new dimension in our lives. It releases our inhibitions that we often have on family- group sojourns. Solo journeys waives off the restrictions that we have in experimenting diversity around us. Such Trips are a boon as they help us realise and feel connected instantly with new places, cultures, people and end up discovering that home can be anywhere.

#8 live your life: Most of our life is confined to set patterns, same set of people, place, culture and habits. Stretching ourselves beyond normalcy is not there in our radar. So travel solo to realize the unexpected and unexplored part of you; expand your soul and live your life to fullest. Going that extra mile alone will help you cherish the fact that “Life begins beyond your comfort zone.”